Auto Insurance Express Blog: sr-22 insurance
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Monday, January 26, 2015SR-22 auto insurance can be a confusing topic, and one that many people don’t know about unless they’re ordered to purchase it because of a driving infraction. What is SR-22 insurance and why would you need it? This article answers some frequently asked questions, with information specific to our home state of Missouri. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 14, 2015You already know that drunk driving is incredibly dangerous, but did you know that a DWI/DUI could result in extremely high auto insurance premiums? Bet that got your attention! If you’re caught driving drunk, you will probably be required to file for SR-22 auto insurance, which has premiums that are two to three times higher than that of normal auto insurance. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 29, 2014By now, you probably know that insurance carriers tie your auto insurance premiums to the perceived risk of offering you coverage. Namely, how likely it is that you’ll have cause to file a claim and cost the company money. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 25, 2014While every driver must purchase auto insurance, certain risky drivers may be required to purchase SR-22 auto insurance. This specialized coverage keeps you on the radar of not only your insurance provider, but also the Department of Motor Vehicles and the police. READ MORE >>
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